Transforming The Legal Sector
Our Experience Goes A Long Way
Law firms require total confidence in a workplace provider that provides true 24/7 operations and a fast turnaround on printing and scanning jobs. Over the last 20 years, Apogee has developed a strong pedigree within the Legal space, working with 12 of the 14 biggest global Law firms to become a reliable partner. Whatever your requirements, you can be assured we have seen it before and can deliver it on-time.
How Apogee Can Help
In-house Tracked
Fully Accredited to
Legal Standards
Secure Production Facility Located in EC2
High Volume Printing
We print exactly to your requirements, giving you time to focus on cases. We use Law PreDiscovery to ensure all potential evidentiary documents are processed as per client requirements ensuring that no documents are missed. Our 24-hour turnaround on print jobs gives paralegals time to focus on what is important to them.
High Volume Scanning
Providing high volume and data capture solutions to scan large volumes of documents that are produced into multiple formats to suit your review needs. Delivery of your scanned documents can be uploaded to a secure FTP site, made on encrypted external media or loaded directly into your online review platforms.
Electronic bibles provide a logical document retrieval system that allows you to store and access large amounts of data that is presented in an indexed and easily navigable style. Apogee have designed eBibles for many of the leading global law firms, producing a range of simple and complex systems with multiple search fields that are branded to mimic the clients’ website.
Hybrid Mail
Communication is key in business, and keeping your physical lines of communication flowing cannot be forgotten when your staff are working remotely. By digitising mail ‘at the letterbox’ our Digital Mail Room solutions start your organisation on its journey to a more streamlined digital approach to document management.
How can we help you?
Call our team of specialists today on 0800 999 0247 or email us at to find out how we can help your organisation.
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